User Guide

A guide for end-users of TicketLog

Create an Account

From the custom domain “” a user sees the Welcome screen. In this screenshot, the user is currently not signed in:

The user clicks “New Ticket” but cannot create a ticket unless they are signed in:

The user clicks “Sign Up” to create a new login:

Email verification is required. The user must enter a valid email address and click “Send verification code”. A verification email will be sent to this address with a verification code:

The user can now complete the Sign Up form.

Create a New Ticket

Once signed in, the Welcome screen will now list all the user’s tickets.

In this screenshot, no tickets have been created by this user, so the list is empty:

The user has clicked “New Ticket”, and is presented the New Ticket screen.

In this screenshot, the Description is pre-filled with a simple template:

The user can now complete the new ticket’s details.

In this screenshot, the user has added rich text, an image, and a file attachment:

The Welcome screen now lists the user’s new ticket:

Add comments

Opening the ticket shows the ticket details, status, and allows new comments to be added:

In Azure DevOps, the ticket’s Work Item is viewable by Azure DevOps users:

Comments can be added to the Azure DevOps Work Item:

The user who created the ticket is notified by email:

The user can see added comments in the ticket:

Last updated